Grug not know words in ears, on paper, or from mouth! Man could be cursing all Grugs and would have no idea. Shouty man who also talk sometime make Grug want learn Slovak!
Many black metal focus just how extreme how fast! Here so many feels so many moments. Here sound folk and black and heavy and metal and prog and rock roll and even dungeon synth!? Wild mix many things. Guitar bouncy and drums dance. Easy hum and shake head. So nice for black metal. Can hear without fuzz fuzz and so clean guitar! Feel great joy in ear! Feel Like riding fast beast!
Grug head maybe not big enough for all music types and inspiration. Make Grug want more this heavy metal (Grug not very listen to heavy metal) and more bands that make journey. Grug in ancient village? Grug to go war? Get lecture from old Grug? Why this man shouting at Grug? Who knows! But Grug love all of it! Grug want see band real life! Band make Grug feel like in other life other cave other time! Time later than Grug caveman time, but not new time of computer!
Maybe Grug dumb but sometimes Grug feel “What that instrument make that sound!?”. So fun sounds, so great focus on history stories. Teach Grug more!
Grug think very talent music pals! Look!

Grug favourite parts:
- Vovnútri chlácholivého útočišta kunstkamru
- So fun guitar after bird chirp chirp. Grug imagine bird play guitar! - I hle, tak zachádza imperiálna hviezda
- UH! - Maharal a Golem
- Grug ready for boogy dance, but hear big wow sounds instead. Surprise but Grug happy! - Vertumnus Caesar
- Grug sing like this in waterfall room! - Panstvo salamandrov jest v kavernách zeme
- This DJ and turntable sound!? Grug no think those from old times!
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