What? What these feels? Grug not know these feels in long, long time. This remind Grug of much simpler time, when music was magic. When every sound was new fire discover and have to share with tribe!
Not just old time feelings that make good. This good as own separate new thing. Like fresh berry on bush! Maybe Grug not able to listen all music out there but Grug very sure nothing else like this out there. Most metal easy put in bucket. Black metal, Deathcore, Techgrind, whatever. Here feel like there bucket but nobody else put berries in this bucket. Like find berry that evolve to new pokemon!
For every voice feel that soft, voice also feel like death whisper in ear. Voice pretty. Voice desperate. Voice angry. Voice everything! So many whispers, cracks, little noises, little moments that feel very specific and craft exact with how want sound. Songs melt together like river from many many interesting moments. Snare of drum hit so sharp! The spoken word make Grug feel like in dream looking at self from 10 winters ago seeing young Grug in new light.
A failed search turned limitless drift
Without a real motivator, it whirrs through space
Metallic dust, neural fine artifact
A new beacon catches its eye
Grug very recommend listen this crazy album while also read lyrics. Love little synopsis. Love world build and sci-fi! More album need this! Grug wonder if cover have two robots making baby robots maybe? Or one robot monster on knee, asking other robot for marry?
Grug love this album. Grug see it like when speak and we make new words. Do that every day and new words will not stop. Always make new words. Same way for music. Always make new music. Never can run out new ideas. Grug think that pretty cool.
Grug favourite parts:
- Downstone
- Little break before leading into this chorus. So good and stuck so sticky in Grug head. - Out of Mind
- Grug wonder how different life would be if hear this when Grug was 12 winters old. - In Sero
- Voices feel like slimy creature crawling across Grug face and leave trail. - Structural Damage Capacity
- Full goblin mode dripping stuff out of mouth! - Dive
- This bass guitar wobble can't give it back if it wanted to.
Listen/buy here: