Grug spend lots of time with this album. Very close relationship! Love that album start with mediate feels then oh... We are suddenly here! Strings never actually friend! Strings actually warning of bad things happen! Strings lead to vicious attack from bear. And bear not wear gloves. Bear hungry and desperate. Bear keep slapping face and clawing at Grug stomach. But because bear impressive to listen to, Grug enjoy the attack. At same time, Grug feel sad for bear. Bear lots of pain. Bear alone and nothing to live for. Grug feel bear pain real because of loss. Bear keep fighting and hating.
While bear bite and claw, Grug slowly realise that walls around all get smaller smaller, roof of cave so much closer. Cave entrance feel so far away. Keep get attack by bear and not escape! Sometime feel little bit okay. Can relax for quick moment. Can hold gut just long enough to actually feel pain. But bear not done! Even when not bite, bear make unsettling noises and shrieking! Noises feel like right in face but also far away! Like big cave echo. Nobody near to call. Alone with bear! Bear not care for Grug. Bear attack only 35 minutes but feel like whole life change. Bear just leave after short but very dense fight.
Bear is actually this album. Grug actually fine!
Grug captured by how wild, hairy, stinky, but precise guitar feel. Very technical! Also emotional. Like dirty caveman not bath long time but wear new clean doctor gloves. Drums feel like emit smoke and make not able to see! Lyrics make out life pretty not good. Voice shout agony. Feel exactly like struggle on cover. Dark and full of angry. Fight and claw at pointlessness. Grug love ambient sounds between songs. Come back over and over. Never stop watching. When string play alone and music stop, really realise how alone sudden feel! Strings play in background make feel like in place that not have electricity. Never will have electricity. Nobody care about this place. Not even worth making fire.
Feel of ghost stories when young Grug. Someone in room and not want be around! Feel ghost grief and anger. Songs make panic. Make feel tense. Make feel eye open from intense. This album make feel alive with anger at things not change. Not can change. But still will try. Like deep breath in and out. Give and release tension. Build so much tension and release so satisfy! And end on breathe not able to blow out.
For it would not rain on me if I were ablaze
And the sky was dank with tears
Grug favourite parts:
- Yearn
- This exact moment Grug stop what doing and listen full - Small Mercies Of Falling Apart
- This most intimidating but grief stricken Grug ever hear guitar. - Life Eclipses Living
- When drum move whole body forward like this is this album's stankface moment. - Light
- Feel like tied down and flashlight shine bright in face. On off on off. - Oscillate
- Grug get jumpscare! Love how different and dark suddenly feel!
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